MSc in Data Analytics and IT Security Management

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MSc in Data Analytics and IT Security Management

  • Contenu
    MSc in Data Analytics and IT Security Management.

    Course type: Postgraduate.

    Career Path: IT

    Course Category: MSc


    With cyber-crime keeping up with the rapid development of technology, there is a growing need for cyber security specialists who know how to read and analyse data in order to protect business information and reputation from risks, threats and crises. In this programme you will recognise the importance of data within the changing IT security landscape. You will consider the evolving field of technology and the security risks that come with it, learning how data can be manipulated to result in strategy driven decisions.

    Course Requirements.

    A bachelor's degree or diploma equivalent to a UK honours degree at a minimum of second class (2.2). If you are not an English native speaker, you will be required to provide us with a proof of English language level equivalent to IELTS 6.5 or above 

    Course Duration: 1.5 to 5 years

    Campus based: No

    Location: Online

    Intake: July 18, October 18

Autre formation en rapport avec qualité sécurité informatique