Managing and empowering your intercultural team

Demande d'information

Managing and empowering your intercultural team

  • Objectifs Understand the cultural dimension in managing your intercultural and international team. Become aware of your cultural threshold and surpass your limits. Acquire and adapt the right behaviour in intercultural and international contexts.
  • Dirigé à Top manager, Directeur général travaillant dans un cadre interculturel
  • Diplôme Managing and empowering your intercultural team
  • Contenu Managing and empowering your intercultural team 
    The cultural dimension in the company : components, differences and risks

    The culture
    How to define culture?
    How to define its impact on individuals and groups?
    Cultural differences and the impact of perception
    Relationship between time and the environment, with power and with space

    Formality versus informality
    Ways of thinking
    What “yes” really means and what “no” really means
    Different intercultural management situations in professional contexts

    What are the company’s risks?
    Is intercultural management a wealth or a liability?
    How to identify intercultural differences?
    How to maximize the intercultural wealth in your company?


    Joy MARTIN est coach certifiée à l'international  et consultante-formatrice, expérimentée auprès de publics "top-mid level" management, spécialisée en management interculturel  et en ressources humaines en anglais (de langue maternelle anglaise) et/ou en français. Bilingue et biculturelle. Elle intervient notamment dans le management et intégration culturel (lors d’une fusion-acquisition), en Europe, en Afrique et en Asie.

    Durée : 3 jours
Demande d'information

Autre formation en rapport avec executive coaching entreprises