European Master of Science in Agroecology

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Commentaire sur European Master of Science in Agroecology - Présentiel - Lyon - Rhône

  • Diplôme
    Master of Science
  • Contenu
    The European Master of Science Agroecology(MSc) is coordintated by a consortium consiting of FESIA , France and UMB, Norway. For the two-year programme a double diploma is delivered.

    Farming and food systems in Europe and abroad are increasingly recognised as closely linked with environmental, social and ethical issues. Environmental issues quickly reach across national boundaries. Social issues such as prices of land and labour and economic fragility of farm supports are obviously regional. Ethical questions such as distribution of food and other benefits from the economy are frequently raised in Europe.

    The challenges arising in the interface between food production and society in Europe contain many generic traits that also occur in many parts of the third world. The multiple cultures, languages, and political systems in Europe make this an ideal place for students to experience first hand some of these challenges and potential solutions that could be applied in their home situation. Agroecology is the interdisciplinary science that provides information, methods of analysis, evaluation and improvement to promote development of secure and sustainable food systems. Methods from natural and social sciences are integrated to deal with the complex challenges of meeting human food needs in a resource-efficient manner that is economically sound, environmentally benign and socially acceptable.

    The European Master Agroecology is a two-year programme , professionally oriented, to study interactions among agricultural, food and environmental sciences in a socially oriented and action driven perspective.

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