International Master in Sustainable Development and Corporate Responsibility

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Commentaire sur International Master in Sustainable Development and Corporate Responsibility - Présentiel - Madrid - Espagne

  • Contenu

    Common subjects (100 hours)

    *Business management fundamentals

    Managerial skills
    This module addresses students´ personal and professional development. The emphasis is 100% practical in acquiring the different managerial skills required to address the challenges facing executive management. Content includes professional skills such as personal communications, time management, effective presentations, negotiation, leadership and motivation of work teams.

    Economic Framework
    Students will get familiar with the main concepts, procedures and tools of analysis of the economic environment. The general teaching objectives of this subject are on the one hand to establish basic knowledge on business and environment to allow further progress in the master; on the other hand, to homogenize the basis of technical and quantitative aspects of the programme participants.

    Corporate Strategy

    Strategy is about thinking about the future of the organization and making decisions about the policies and initiatives to be launched in order to perform successfully both in the short and long terms.

    The strategist analyzes the industry environment and the internal generic conditions of its competitors in order to get clear conclusions about the situation of his company. He also analyses all the possible ways to compete within its sector. At the end of this process, he will set the goals to drive the company into the selected direction.

    Accounting and Finance

    The aim of this introductory course is to provide the student with the view of the basic concepts and language of business. It completes the finance precourse that the students follow on an interactive mode. After following this course, the students must be able to:

        * Understand the basis of accounting and financial terms.
        * Understand the basis of the process of accounting.
        * Understand some basic concepts of financial calculations.

    The course shares a global vision of the marketing function, as a leveraging element of the company strategy towards a business model focused on customer knowledge, satisfaction and loyalty, while using imagination and innovative metrics and tools. The conquer of trust and complicity of (enthusiastic and participant) customers, the use of transparency, contextual marketing and personalization will be the main topics in reported market strategies and tactics, escaping from competition and looking for "blue oceans".

    Project management
    Project management is critical for a more efficient use of resources, effective cost control and compliance with project deadlines and terms. Various aspects and techniques are addressed, relating to planning, developing, management and control of projects learning to understand and analyse the various stages of the life of a project and its various activities and tasks. The lessons learned apply to all types of project, irrespective of their nature or complexity.

    Introduction to sustainability

    XXIst century organisations need managers that fully understand the main social, environmental and economic challenges today.

    This subject covers the new role of business in society. Sustainable management of the private sector is not only key for business survival but it is also a fundamental element for the future of our society and its resources.

    Innovation management

    This subject prepares students to develop a managerial way of thinking which is familiar with innovation in a business environment as a key element for improving business competitiveness.

    An innovative outlook is encouraged in order to train professionals to develop and identify new opportunities and to respond in a rapid manner to the changing needs of clients and society.

    Entrepreneurial initiative

    This module explains the process of creating ideas, their analysis and specification and how they are put into practice through projects which will create value for their organisations and for society. In this way an entrepreneurial attitude is fostered. Students gain an in-depth knowledge of the management techniques and skills required in the process of implementing new business ideas and how to put these into action. Students are also taught to draw up a Business Plan, itemising and examining each of its components and parts.

    Core subjects (470 hours)

    Elective subjects or study abroad (30 hours)

    Final project

    Schedule: Oct 2012 to Jul 2013
    • Place: Madrid
    • Price: €14.820
    • Dedication: Full Time
    • Length: 700 hours (70 credits)

    You can access the master degree if...
    • A university graduate or a young professional (applicants are welcome from any subject discipline), interested in develo¬ping your professional career within the area of Sustainability and Corpo¬rate Responsibility Management.
    • A person with a high level of English language.

    • 2 Doing the entrance tests
    • 3 Reserving the place
    • 4 Confirming the place is reserved
    • 5 Matriculating

    First you need to give the Admissions department the correctly-completed application form for admission indicating the chosen date to do the entrance tests.

    Download the form in pdf format
    Complete the application form on-line

    You can also request the application form for admission in person at any of the EOI Spain’s School for Industrial Organisation headquarters.

    The documentation required to participate in the admissions process must be delivered in person to the Madrid or Seville headquarters or sent by post or e-mail prior to doing the entrance test.

    The application must be accompanied by the following documentation:
    • University degree certificate
    • Photocopy of national identity card or passport
    • Two passport-size colour photographs
    • Language Certificates or Degrees
    • Updated CV
    • Any additional documentation you wish to provide

    Upon receipt of the application for admission, the Admissions Department will contact you to confirm receipt of the printed or on-line application form and arrange a date for you to do the entrance tests. In the event that candidates have not selected a date to do the test or there are no spaces left on the selected date, they will be requested to complete the test on the next date with free spaces.

Autre formation en rapport avec développement durable

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