MSc in International Business Development

Demande d'information

MSc in International Business Development

  • Objectifs The programme emphasizes : - developing students' business and managerial skills - applying concepts, methods and tools specific to business development during a practical training experience, accompanied by a professor and a professional mentor.
  • Stage Professional experience, Internship and Business Assignment abroad Students are expected to apply the theories and techniques taught in the classroom during their practical work placement. They must prepare, carry out and follow up an assignment abroad, and produce a dissertation to be defended orally. Students are monitored throughout the course by the programme director or other designated instructor. For a successful internship and Business Assignment abroad, the trainees will have to prepare for it through out their academic programme. During the theoretical courses, students must work on their own preparing for their Internship or Business Assignment abroad and at the end of the course they should be able to apply the knowledge and prove their professional competencies. Assignment abroad - examples : Audit for industrial or commercial launching in a foreign country New product launch in a foreign market Selection of commercial or industrial partners in the foreign market Product launch in a new market Commercial Development and preparation of commercial contracts
  • Dirigé à Les MSc s'adressent à des diplômés Bac + 4 (Maîtrise, IEP ou équivalent) et aux salariés d'entreprise diplômés d'un Bac + 3, avec 3 ans minimum d'experience professionnelle de cadre.
  • Diplôme MSc in International Business Development
  • Contenu

    Term starts each year in October

    Introductory Seminar
    Global economy, global trade and international regulations
    Europe: characteristics and impact on world trade

    Communication and personal development (personal skills, managerial skills, French as a foreign language)

    The Fundamentals of Management : This seminar, common to all the Master programs, has the objective of providing each student, with the basic knowledge of all management disciplines

    Specialised programme
    The curriculum is divided into eight core teaching modules and one optional course

    International Business Techniques
    International trading tools and techniques
    International marketing and e-marketing
    European and international business law
    International logistics and transport
    Sales force management
    Strategy and International Business Development
    Net economy and e-commerce
    International business development strategy
    Strategy in approaching different foreign markets (doing business with/in the European Union, Eastern Europe and Russia, North America, Central and South America, East Asia, Japan and China)
    International week : specialized modules given by visiting professors from foreign partner schools and universities
    Optional course
    A one-week study tour in collaboration with a European university partner, including course, lectures, company visits

Demande d'information

Autre formation en rapport avec affaires internationales