Specialized Master in Network and Information Security

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Commentaire sur Specialized Master in Network and Information Security - Présentiel - 5ème - Panthéon - Paris

  • Objectifs
    The training proposed within the framework of the Specialized Master in Network and Information Security (N&IS) enables future specialists to give precise answers to the very diverse security issues with which all components of digital information are currently confronted. The training specially emphasises the concept of security as a continuous process that grows in an environment based on new and emergent technologies, from codes to networks.
  • Dirigé à
    Titulaires d’un diplôme d’ingénieur
    Titulaires d’un BAC +4 (Master 1, Maîtrise
    ou équivalent) dans la limite de 30% des
    places disponibles
    Titulaires d’un diplôme de troisième
    cycle (Master 2, DEA, DESS) ayant des bases
    sérieuses Titulaires d’un diplôme d’école de en informatique
    commerce ayant des bases sérieuses
    en informatique
    • Titulaires d’un diplôme étranger équivalent
    aux diplômes français requis ci-dessus
    Titulai res d’un BAC +4 (Mas ter 1, Maîtrise
    ou équivalent ) justifiant d’une expérience
    professionnel le de 3 ans dans le domaine
  • Diplôme
    Specialized Master in Network and Information Security
  • Contenu

    "N&IS-1XX" : 1st semester
    "N&IS-2XX" : 2nd semester


    - N&IS-101 : Fundamentals of Networks
    - N&IS-102 : Architecture and Design of Networks
    - N&IS-103 : Wireless Networks

    Information Systems, Applications and Networks Security

    - N&IS-109 : Operating systems : Windows and *nix
    - N&IS-201 : Cryptography and Cryptanalysis
    - N&IS-202 : Network Security
    - N&IS-203 : Security of Operating Systems
    - N&IS-204 : Security of applications and Data Bases
    - N&IS-205 : Forensic Analysis
    - N&IS-206 : Smartcards

    Secure and network programming

    - N&IS-104 : Algorithmics of Security
    - N&IS-105 : Analysis and generation of codes
    - N&IS-106 : (In)Secure programming
    - N&IS-107 : High level languages for network programming (C, Java)
    - N&IS-108 : Script languages for network programming (Python, Ruby)
    - N&IS-212 : Virology

    Security Policies, Economic Intelligence and Norms

    - N&IS-110 : Information Security and Privacy Laws (Legal Aspects of Information Security)
    - N&IS-111 : Economic Intelligence and War Information
    - N&IS-112 : Security Policies
    - N&IS-208 : Norms ISO 27001 & ISO 17799
    - N&IS-209 : Cybercriminality
    - N&IS-207 : Security Evaluation Methodologies (Operational and Organizational Security)
    - N&IS-211 : Free Software for Security

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